Getting the most out of your time
In order to be productive, you must first understand what productivity means for you. It is not merely about getting more done in less time; it is also about being more efficient so that you have the freedom to manage your time more wisely. Here are some tips to help improve your personal productivity:
Set small goals and break them down into actionable tasks
Setting small goals can help you stay motivated and reach your big goals more quickly. By breaking down your larger tasks into steps, you can get a sense of progress as you complete each one. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon in three months’ time, set a weekly goal of running three times per week or increasing the distance by 0.5 miles each time you exercise.
Setting small goals also makes it easier for others to hold you accountable for meeting them: Your friends will know how many times per week they should expect to see or hear from their friend who’s working toward this goal!
Use the Pomodoro Technique for Personal Productivity Improvement
The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management method that has you focus on one task at a time. The basic idea is simple:
- Work for 25 minutes straight without distractions or breaks, then take a 5 minute break to do something else (the tomato refers to the tomato-shaped timer used in this method). You can also set an alarm on your phone if you don’t have access to an actual kitchen timer during work hours and just use your phone as one when needed!
- After four pomodoros (or any amount of time), take another longer break before getting back into the swing of things again–this helps keep your mind fresh and focused throughout your day by giving it time off from thinking about work every so often too!
If this sounds like something that would interest you but seems too complicated or difficult at first glance then don’t worry–there are plenty more tips ahead that will help simplify things even further still.
Use the Eisenhower Decision Matrix for choosing what to do next
The Eisenhower Decision Matrix is a model that helps us make better decisions and improve your personal productivity. It was created by Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was a five-star general and the 34th President of the United States. He’s also known for having said “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”
The four quadrants of the decision matrix in which you could sort your tasks are:
- Urgent and Important – These are tasks that need to be done right now! They’re things like responding to emails, returning phone calls and attending meetings. If you don’t complete them right away then there could be consequences such as missing an opportunity or getting into trouble with your boss or co-workers.
- Not Urgent but Important – These are activities that benefit you in some way but aren’t urgent enough for immediate action (for example exercising). This category should include things like learning something new or improving your skills at work so when it comes time for promotion they’ll think highly of you!
- Not Urgent nor Important – These tasks tend not get done because no one cares about them so why bother? Examples include cleaning out old files from your computer’s hard drive which might take up space but won’t help anyone else out either way because those files aren’t needed anymore anyway (so why keep them?). Tasks like these often fall through cracks between urgent/important projects making us feel overwhelmed as we try our best not forget about them completely while also trying focus on present priorities too.
Use tools that help you to become more productive
Tools are a great way to increase your productivity, and they can be used in many different ways. For example, if you’re working on a project with other people, use a collaboration tool such as Slack or Trello so everyone knows what needs to be done and when it’s due. If you have trouble keeping track of your schedule or managing yourself in general, consider using an app like Todoist or Anydo that provides calendars and planners for scheduling tasks throughout the week (or day).
Plan ahead when it comes to meetings and appointments
Schedule meetings in advance, so that you have time to prepare for them and make sure the other person is available at the time you want them to be there.
Make sure you have enough time for travel if a meeting is far away from where you currently are (or even if it’s not). If possible, schedule your travel so that there’s some flexibility built into the trip–if something unexpected comes up during the day or week before your trip, then at least one option will still be available! This can also help reduce stress levels by allowing people more freedom with their own schedules while still maintaining some semblance of structure within the group dynamic at hand.
Plan ahead for appointments such as doctor visits or dentist visits; make sure these are scheduled well ahead of time so they don’t get forgotten about while keeping up with everything else going on around us every day.
Cut down on distractions while you work on important projects
A big part of being productive is having the mental space to focus on your work. If you’re constantly distracted by notifications and email updates, it’s going to be hard for you to get into the zone.
When working on important projects, turn off your phone and close your email tab in order to avoid any interruptions. You can also use apps like Freedom or Anti-Social that block distracting websites so they won’t distract you anymore!
If possible, try working somewhere quiet with minimal background noise–the less distractions around, the better! If all else fails (or if there isn’t an option), wear headphones while listening to music or podcasts that interest you so they drown out any external noises around them
Improving your personal productivity
This is not a comprehensive list of tips to improve your personal productivity. However, it should give you some ideas on how to get started. If you want more information on this topic, we recommend checking out the following links:
19 Productivity Tips From Top Business Leaders
The Productivity Guide: Time Management Strategies That Work
How to Make the Most of Your Workday